Kovásznai Book, 2022 Hungarian
KOVÁSZNAI: FESTÉSZET ÉS ANIMÁCIÓ, 1960 – 1970-es évek by Brigitta Iványi-Bitter. Comprehensive Hungarian-language monograph presenting the oeuvre of filmmaker and painter György Kovásznai, published in 2022.
14900 Ft
- Third, Hungarian edition of the Kovásznai monograph published in November 2022.
- 336 pages with over 300 pictures from György Kovásznai’s lifework.
- Includes the latest research into Kovásznai’s work, as well as documentation of the international reception history of the artist’s oeuvre.
- Prefaces by Lóránd Hegyi, Brigitta Iványi-Bitter, Professor Sarah Wilson (The Courtauld Institute of Art) and Paul Wells (Loughborough University).
The first edition of the György Kovásznai monograph was published in 2010 to accompany the first-ever Kovásznai retrospective show in the Hungarian National Gallery. The book is based on the author, Brigitta Iványi-Bitter’s 3-year-long project, during which she researched Kovásznai’s films, paintings, writings and conducted in-depth interviews with the artist’s family, friends, colleagues and art historians specializing in Kovásznai’s era. The second edition of the monograph was published in 2016 as part of the monumental Kovásznai exhibition at the Somerset House and the Courtauld Institute in London. The third edition of the book was released in November 2022, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Kovásznai’s death. The aim of the monograph is to present the oeuvre of Hungarian filmmaker and painter György Kovásznai to audiences in his home country and around the world.